

A professor at the Santa Fe Institute said, “If you give a monkey launching power over nuclear weapons, the monkey is an existential threat.”  AI, although it may appear intelligent, isn’t because it lacks consciousness. What a C. Elegans worm (with 302 mapped neurons), a monkey, and a person (with approximately 86 billion neurons) have is an evolved biological brain. In comparison, a researcher has likened AI to a spreadsheet, rather than the real thing.


The core function of AI is to predict: to predict the result of some algorithmic operation or to predict the next word in a sentence, occurring in various contexts. There are both theoretical and practical limits to this.


Theoretical Limits


The top-down theoretical limit is the central value theorem. The statistical model that the researcher uses (whether Gaussian, Poisson, or log-normal) must have a finite mean and variance, in comparison, many distributions in finance (at the bleeding edge of change) are very large or statistically indeterminate (Black Swan single events). According to the philosopher Isaiah Berlin, there was a story that when a certain British prime minister decided whether to go to war, he analogously “…looked at the sky” when deciding to take an umbrella.


The bottom-up limit is the survey design, whether biased or not. The question of bias enters into many discussions of AI, and it is useful to ask the question what bias is. The sample survey should be “objective.” reflecting the population reality as closely as possible. An accurate sample reflects the population; and it should be properly randomized so, for instance, if you are taking a survey of some controlled factory operation, to derive an equation of its operation, you can use the Gaussian statistical model to derive the equation parameters and a confidence interval to assess the entire model.


But the problem is, the economy changes, a company has to be responsive, and the operational data has to be good, see the article. The assumed statistical model has to be designed well and run often.


These are the two main theoretical problems with AI. The Perplexity chatbot says, “…these limitations also provide opportunities for advancement and refinement.” We’ll see. 


Practical Implementation


In a practical sense, both limitations have to effectively relate to the business question, “What is the decision,” when designing the survey instrument. Silicon Valley is pouring billions and billions of dollars into AI technology and infrastructure. The companies so doing can certainly afford to keep doing this indefinitely, Nvidia’s business will be good for a while, but at some point people will ask, “Will this be profitable?”


A concluding example shows that generative AI is now capable of great nuance and sophistication. But note, and this is crucial, it is very capable of answering general questions culled from the literature.  A lot of very precise and difficult work is required to profitably adapt general AI to specific corporate situations that involve strategies, money and profits. The facile Wall Street assumption that AI will immediately cause economic growth to increase in an economy rendered non-cyclical by AI is unlikely to become true.


The 9/24-10/24 Harvard Business Review, “Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong,” lists five things that can go wrong:


1) Conflating correlation and causation. Just because two effects occur together, it doesn’t mean that one must cause the other. In economics, causation comes from theory. In business, causation often occurs from common sense.


2) Misjudging the potential magnitude of effects. Relevant here are the survey sample size and the precision, the percentage of true positive effects/all measured positives, true and false. The latter measures, there are also other statistics, how good the model is.


3) A disconnect between what is measured and what matters. Does the survey get at the core question, and the intended and unintended consequences?


4) Misjudging generalizability. How similar is the setting of this study to our business context. How important is a specific context?


5) Overweighting a specific result. Are there other analyses that validate the results and approach?


The proper design of AI, say to optimize a certain operation, requires insight and nuance. In the end, as we have noted:


“Only humans have the insights that can be validated or optimized by one of the (sic) thousands of AI models and their architectures. Only humans can form the organizations that implement these models…In other words, YOU - with your goals - are the person that can improve, reflect, collaborate, or innovate.”


The Perplexity chatbot, reflecting current AI thinking, came to the same summary conclusion.




“It is easy enough to arrange the past in a symmetrical way…A true science, though, must be able not merely to rearrange the past but to predict the future. To classify facts, to order them in…patterns (however complex), is not quite yet a science.”


                                                               Isaiah Berlin

                                                               “The Sense of Reality (1996)”


Science requires patterns, accurate prediction and also understanding.