laboring in the vineyards of Wall Street, we discovered something about bank
credits. The approval of every loan quickly hinged on the answering of three
main questions, but and this is crucial – they were never the same three
questions, even for large companies.
was going on here? The answer to this most practical question is easy. Unlike
the stationary, statistical world that economic modelers love, the business
world is complex and ever changing. That requires a different sort of
philosophers and practitioners do not like the simple world posited by
modelers, a product of the first stage of the 17th century
Enlightenment, which believed in the theoretical calculability of everything.
But Isaiah Berlin wrote:
I am a statesman faced with an agonising choice of possible courses of action
in a critical situation, will I really find it useful – even if I can afford to
wait that long for the answer – to employ a team of specialists in political
science to assemble for me from past history all kinds of cases analogous to my
situation, from which I or they must then abstract what these cases have in
common, deriving from this exercise relevant laws of human behaviour?...the
retention of that which is common, would produce a very thin, generalized
residue, and one far too unspecific to be of much help in a practical
dilemma….Obviously what matters is to understand a particular situation in its
full uniqueness…” 1
kind of reasoning appreciates a situation in its, “full uniqueness”?
King is a trained economist and the former Governor of the Bank of England. He
has co-written a book “Radical Uncertainty (2020).” It is the kind of book that
sometimes requires a day per page to consider, but in summary seems perfectly
obvious. It’s a great book.
central problem that he addresses is this: the basic uncertainty of the world.
How consumers will react; how investors will react; how international markets
will react. “Radical uncertainty precludes optimising behaviour. In the world
as it is, we cope rather than optimize. The numbers…are derived from historic
data series and assume a non-existent stationarity of the world. Struggling to
cope with a large world which they could only imperfectly understand, the
proponents of these calculations invented a small world which gave them the
satisfaction of clear-cut answers. And financial regulators claiming to monitor
risk in the financial system did the same. It is understandable that people who
are given a job which they cannot do find instead a more limited task which
they can do.” 2
do people handle a lack of knowledge? There are three reasoning methods to
understand the world. Deductive reasoning is from first principles, top-down,
and is relevant only in modeled worlds. Inductive reasoning is from the data,
bottom-up, but the Gaussian generalizations won’t hold if the world (and the
data) changes. The third form of reasoning has a name, its abductive reasoning,
where events are one of a kind. It is the form of reasoning used in specific
cases: in law, business, and in life.
are constantly engaged in abductive reasoning, using our knowledge and
experience to make sense of complex situations…” 3 The goal of this
form of reasoning is to arrive at a best explanation, “What is going on here?” 4
the legal system. “Because justice is administered not on average but in
individual cases, bare statistical evidence in the absence of a narrative, is
never enough….We need a story. Narratives are the means by
which humans – as judges, jurors, or people conducting the ordinary
business of life – order our thoughts and make sense of the evidence given to
us. The legal style of reasoning, essentially abductive, involves a search for
the ‘best explanation’- a persuasive narrative account of events relative to
the case…. In civil proceedings, the narrative must be a good one…. In criminal
proceedings, the narrative must be sufficiently compelling that no materially
different account of events could be seriously entertained – the prosecution
case is established beyond reasonable doubt. A ‘good’ explanation meets the
twin criteria of credibility and coherence. It is consistent with (most of) the
available evidence and the general knowledge available to judges and
jurors…Statistical reasoning has its place. But only when integrated into an
overall narrative or best explanation.” 5 Abductive reasoning
applies, as well, to the case method in MBA programs.
is a systematic attempt to order human affairs, which are otherwise disorderly.
Stories may be many; but they should reflect the facts, in our system. In law
or in investing, the facts that abide ultimately determine the real story. Many
things we learned in school were modeled facts, facts that are useful only if
they fit well into convincing stories of real people, companies, or the
Markowitz was the originator of Modern Portfolio Theory. “Markowitz himself,
asked about his own portfolio decisions in planning for retirement responded,
‘I should have computed the historical co-variances of the asset classes and
drawn an efficient frontier. Instead, I visualized my grief if the stock market
went way up, and I wasn’t in it. (At the present time, 11/24, we do not feel
any grief about this.) – or if it went way down and I was completely in it. My
intention was to minimize my future regret. So, I split my contributions 50/50
between bonds and equities.’ Markowitz’s description of his own behaviour
corresponded to…‘risk as feelings’ – his decisions reflecting the hopes and
fears he held in anticipation, rather than the maximization of subjective
expected utility implied in his own models.” 6
King ends his book with this thought, “We see through a glass, darkly. And we
communicate with each other through narratives, not probabilities, to describe
our endlessly fascinating world.” 7
investors, feelings about their portfolios are very important. But, given the
priorities of the incoming Administration, inflation could be a problem in the
U.S. The following discusses how both the general OLS (Gaussian) model and
generative AI might be useful additions to the abductive reasoning toolkit, to
determine how inflation might propagate.
a competitive industry, if one company raises prices it will lose market share
and its return on capital will drop. In a smoke-filled room, if a group of
companies agree to raise prices, that is illegal collusion. But what if
companies in concentrated price-taking markets raise prices all together due to
a common shock: climate change, trade wars, supply chain disruptions? The
economist Isabella Weber of University of Massachusetts, examined 138,962
earnings call transcripts for 4,823 stock market traded companies. She
concluded that large input cost increases provide executives with, “the
opportunity to raise prices and protect or even increase profits.” The counter
to this requires increased public investment in co-ordination, port capacity
and buffer stocks. The paper is titled, “Implicit
Coordination in Sellers’ Inflation: How Cost Shocks Facilitate Price Hikes.”
think this is an important, if somewhat complicated, paper because more supply
shocks will likely occur in the future, possibly creating greater inflation.
Current Keynesian monetary tools affect mainly demand.
is the methodology that this paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, uses
to arrive at the conclusion that common shocks allow companies to raise prices?
1) This conclusion
makes intuitive sense.
2) The researchers
are from reputable institutions: University of Massachusetts, London School of
Economics, The University of Heidelberg.
3) The paper is
extraordinarily detailed, but the methodology also includes the extensive use
of Large Language Models and ChatGPT to construct and validate indexes. The
results of this paper could then fall into some sort of AI lacuna. The problem
is results of generative AI models cannot be traced to causes. But the fact
that there were also human coders to handle exceptions in the construction of a
cost increase sentiment index made the study credible to us. The key question
was, how were large cost increases received?
It was important to us that there would
not be a conclusion, “Because generative AI says so.” So, to proceed:
authors then create a Sentiment Index = f( S(c) ), to make a long story short. 8
Where S(c) = +1 if c is an element of S+
S(c) = -1 if c is an
element of S-
0 otherwise
Here, S+ and S- represent lists of positive
and negative-toned words. For example, if the computer encounters, as a short
example, the words: “challenged”, “concern”, “pressured” these words reflect a
negative sentiment. If it encounters the words: “achieve”, “better”,
“confident” these words reflect a positive sentiment to a company’s pricing
The authors then use OLS regression to
regress the Sentiment Index upon the annual change in the Bureau of Economic
Analysis Price Index (x). 9 The result, we take the simple case
where the authors use only one index:
Index/ Values for the model
y=cx + b
c 0.185*** (very significant)
b -0.433***
Observations 62
0.679 (Which improves if you add more indexes; .66 is the lowest
model threshold for the social sciences.)
authors then make a point that caused us to further examine OLS assumptions.
“To be clear, our regression framework does not aim to capture causal
relations. Instead, our results demonstrate that corporate executives tend to
discuss increases in costs more positively in the presence of large
economy-wide cost shocks and their co-occurence with supply constraints. Our
index validation and qualitative analysis affirm that this positive sentiment
is often indicative of a firm’s perceived ability to pass on their increases in
input costs. Conversely, negative sentiment is indicative of a firm’s perceived
compulsion to absorb firm-specific cost increases. In this context we interpret
our regression results as descriptive evidence suggestive that large cost
shocks can function as an implicit coordinating mechanism.”
This is a very careful study, also
considering section 4.2.2 where the authors do index scatter plots to further
validate the indexes constructed. Why the above disclaimer and the scatter
plots? It is because they run OLS against price data automatically
containing very large variances. And therefore, the best model
interpretation is correlation rather than cause.10 The
OLS model is derived using Gaussian (normal) data, that does not usually exist
in empirical economics, in a non-placid world. This study could be reviewed by
well-trained statisticians.
The authors then examine the qualitative
aspects of price sentiment, going into a few actual cases, using, as we noted
above, abductive reasoning. To quote a Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc.
executive in October, 2021:
“With input costs going up, labor costs going up and all of those
fun things, they’re going to be – margins are going to be higher
ultimately when we get past this for all the reasons I talked about
in terms of the pricing power that we have and the broader inflationary
environment. That’s very helpful to the business.
We have discussed
specific abductive reasoning. The OLS quantitative analysis then allows a
further generalization from the data. But trying to generalize about people,
without specific people, is problematic. The use of both forms of reason, the
significant specific and the general, can lead to balanced and realistic